van rental website built using React and Firebase.
Vanlife is a van rental website built using React and Firebase, designed to provide users with an easy and convenient platform to rent vans for their travel adventures.
You can find the demo of the website at the following link: View Demo

- User Authentication: Secure user authentication and authorization using Firebase Authentication.
- Van Listings: Browse and search for available vans to rent, with detailed information and photos.
- Booking System: Book vans for specific dates, manage bookings, and view rental history.
- Admin Dashboard: Admin panel for managing van listings, user bookings, and site settings.
Technologies Used
- React: Frontend development framework
- Firebase: Backend services for user authentication, database, and hosting
- HTML/CSS: Frontend markup and styling
- JavaScript: Programming language for frontend logic
- Bootstrap: CSS framework for responsive desig
Github Repositry
You can find the source code of the website at the following link: Repositry